A230 Steel Steam Delivery Hose

A23001220 - A230 Steel Steam Delivery Hose

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Unidad de Peso
0.5 kg/m
Paquete Opcional/Cantidad por Caja
Radio de Dobléz
120 mm
Presión de Trabajo
270 PSI (18 bar)
Presión de Reventón
2611 PSI (180 bar)
20 m
DI de Manguera
12.7 mm
DE de Manguera
25 mm
Valor de Temperatura
-40°C to +210°C, peaks up to +232°C (saturated steam)
-40°C to +120°C (hot water)



Steel cord delivery hose designed specifically for conveying high-pressure saturated steam and hot water. Used in refineries, shipyards, chemical plants, steel mills, foundries, and general industrial applications


  • Tube: EPDM blend - black
  • Cover: EPDM blend smooth, pin pricked - red 
  • Reinforcing: Steel plies or braid


  • Tube resistant to saturated steam
  • Weather resistant
  • Ozone resistant
  • Abrasion resistant
  • Mylar layline & embossed tape line
  • Pin pricked cover
  • Electrically condutive resistance <1MΩ/m
  • Mandrel built

Safety notes

  • Pressurised steam is an extremely dangerous commodity. Only hose, fittings, clamps, and accessory items that have been approved for steam service should ever be used! Never use an unapproved item for steam service. Always follow the manufacturer's product recommendations for pressurised steam handling.
  • The bend radius figure is calculated as a theoretical"